Finishing Track
234 €
- Send a new email with subject of your request (mixdown or track finalization) and download link.
- All channels must be exported as audio files 24bit.
- Do not send ableton project if you used any external plug-ins.
- Send stems in .zip via
- I’ll take over where you left off to bring it up to a finished, high-quality product.
- You keep full ownership of your song.
- Production time is between 2 to 30 days depending on the complexity.
- Mixdown included for track finalization.
- Mastering included.
- Export stems (each channel) included.
- No refund.
If you got stuck whit a track and can’t finish, and you need help i’m here for it. Don’t send just a loop, you need to send me a track that is roughly 80% done. Working only with ableton project (if you didn’t use external plug-ins) or stems. Export all channels as audio 24bit, if there is any effect on a channel, export it twice (as “A, B” verison of same channel, with and without the effect)
Please use wetransfer and zip the files, export all channels individually of your song. The sends/FX sent as extra channels as well. All in 24bits. Send Ableton project only if you use Ableton’s plugins. External AU/VST plugins will not work.